The Board of Elders shall consist of one elder for each fifty (50) baptized members, but shall not exceed sixteen (16) in number. They shall be elected for a two-year term and may be re-elected for one consecutive term. They shall meet monthly and shall annually elect a chairman and a vice-chairman, who shall fill in for the chairman if he is unable to attend a meeting. They shall also elect a secretary who shall record minutes of the meetings. These board elections are to be held in December of each year at a transitional meeting attended by all outgoing, incumbent and incoming elders who shall be eligible to vote.
The Board of Elders shall:
- Assist the pastor in concern over the general spiritual welfare of the congregation. They shall assist the pastor in difficult problems of the ministry and insure that church discipline is carried out according to the dictates of Scripture in Matthew 18:15-20.
- By constant encouragement, seek to stimulate a high level of spirituality in the congregation in the following manner:
- By setting an example of Christian living.
- By establishing communications with all members of the congregation, especially those assigned to his care, to promote the strengthening of their faith, cultivate a constant spirit of harmony, encourage those who have become negligent in the use of the Word and the Sacraments. Elders shall recommend exclusions should this become necessary.
- Ensure that the services in God’s House are held regularly and that all things connected with public worship are proper and in order. To accomplish this, they will:
- See that the proclamation of the Word and administration of the Sacraments are in accordance with Article II of the Constitution.
- Assist the pastor in arranging the services, administering the Sacraments (when requested), and securing guest speakers.
- Demonstrate a good example in welcoming visitors and members.
- Organize and supervise the ushers.
- Have the responsibility for the spiritual and temporal welfare of the pastor(s) and his family. (Encouragement, rest, vacations, salary, assistance in times of sickness, etc.)
- Initiate the proper procedure according to Article VIII of the By-Laws when the congregation is to call a pastor; and Article VII of the Constitution and Article IX of the By-Laws if removal from office of a called worker is being considered.
- Organize themselves in the following manner to see that these duties are accomplished.
- Normally hold monthly meetings prior to the Church Council meetings.
- Duties of the Chairman:
- Preside at the elders’ meetings and supervise the activities of the elders.
- Formulate an agenda for meetings after consulting with the pastor.
- If unable to attend a Church Council or Voters’ meeting, secure another elder to act in his stead, if the vice chairman is also unable to attend.
- Represent the Board of Elders as a member of the Church Council.
- Assign specific elders to serve at each service during the year and issue a published schedule with pertinent instructions.
- Assign specific elders to supervise or be responsible for required areas, such as ushers, etc.
- Together with the pastor(s), exercise jurisdiction over the secretarial, clerical and nursery employees of the congregation.
- Ensure that the membership is proportionately divided among the elders, and that each serves his members according to paragraph 2 of this handbook.
- Select one member each year to serve on the Risk Management Committee.
- Hold all private matters discussed at meetings as strictly confidential; also, use discretion in revealing information presented by members during private encounters.