In light of Matthew 25:40 “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it for me” the Board of Human Care shall provide for the administration of resources to meet the human needs of those within our congregation and the community.
The Board of Human Care shall consist of at least five (5) members. The initial Board shall consist of 3 members elected to a 2-year term and 2 members elected to a one-year term. All subsequent terms shall be for 2 years. All members may succeed themselves for one consecutive term. The Board members shall elect the officers of the Board for a one-year term and the Board chairperson shall be a member of the Church Council. The Board shall elect a secretary to take meeting minutes. If unable to attend a Church Council or Voters’ meeting, the chairperson shall designate another board member to attend. The Board of Human Care shall meet monthly and at other times as deemed necessary to fulfill its responsibilities. Board members shall accept the responsibility and principle of confidentiality in dealing with human care ministry needs and problems of individuals both while that Board member serves on the Board and after their term has expired.
The Board of Human Care shall:
- Board members shall dedicate themselves to the total work of the church and demonstrate a special interest in human care ministry.
- The Board shall consider responses to all whose needs come to their attention, being concerned about poverty, unemployment, imprisonment, illness, loneliness, etc.
- The Board shall screen the criteria and qualifications of the various community welfare agencies for use or support by the members of the congregation and community.
- The Board shall evaluate all proposed Human Care projects in the light of God’s Word. The Board shall determine if existing Human Care programs remain viable.
- The Board shall ensure that Human Care project participants are trained to maximize their performance.
- The Board shall be responsible for developing and implementing plans to meet special or emergency situations.
- The Board shall develop methods of informing and educating the congregation of the opportunities of Human Care Ministries both within and outside of our congregation.
- The Board shall have oversight of the Larry Strohkirch Immediate Relief Fund.
The Board shall establish a list of duties to meet the stated objectives, being responsive to the ongoing human care needs of the church and the community. This list of duties shall be presented to the Church Council.